From industrial automation to home control, we have the right solution!
Automation is the machine-based transfer of work from man to machine, usually through technical progress.
In factories in industrialized countries, goods are largely manufactured by machines; the role of humans shifts from production to administration, planning, control, maintenance and services.
Many simple (but also dangerous, monotonous or highly-demanding in terms of accuracy and speed) activities can be carried out with the help of automation technology by machines, which can be significantly more productive under certain circumstances.
Activities in which people continue to have advantages over machines usually require a higher qualification than the automated activities.
We are your partner when it comes to the realization and/or planning of an automated process.
Reasons for automation:
- Improvement of product quality
- Equalization of product quality
- Increase in throughput or production volume
- Replacement of assemblies for which spare parts are no longer available
- Saving of personnel costs
- Relief of people from heavy physical or monotonous work